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The Museum \Zair Azgur Memorial Studio\ is rated 4.7 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY]. Read and write reviews about The Museum \Zair Azgur Memorial Studio\.
A real Soviet exotic!
Amazing and unique small museum where you can see some of the sculptures made during the times and for the Soviet regime. The museum staff was helpful and displayed an extensive knowledge about the sculptures. Don't miss it, it is a one in a lifetime opportunity to be surrounded by Lenin(s) and Stalin(s).
Truly a remarkable museum for anyone interested in the Soviet Union or sculpture. Considering how far and wide his sculptures of Lenin were distributed he is arguable the most important sculpture of the 20th century. The tour guide was incredi bly well spoken and knowledgeable, but you will need Russian to understand. Can't recommend enough!
Famtastic sculptures from one of USSR's first and most highly regarded artists. Very knowledgeable and polite staff. Can't be recommended enough. Before or after, have a coffee at the exotic 40 Years Victory hotel nearby
Definitely worth visiting. Amazingly realistic sculptures, nice and helpful staff. The museum will impress you even if you’re not a fan of sculpture.
Super interesting place. All Lenin statutes made by Azgura locate in this place.
Must see for a tourist! A museum of soviet sculptor Zair Azhur still shows a lot of his works in one place (believe me, it's impressing). Also hosts contemporary exhibitions and events, check it out!
Excellent museum! An English speaking guide was not available, but the Russian speaking guide was patient and Google translate worked well enough. Azgur's sculptures are an impressive who's who of 20th century geopolitics.
The Museum \Zair Azgur Memorial Studio\
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